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Lords of the Earth
Campaign Twenty-Eight

Orders Templates


Name File Zipped File Author
Embedded Microsoft Word Format L28_Word_Template.doc L28_Word_Template.zip Matt Holy
Microsoft Excel Format L28_Excel_Template.xls L28_Excel_Template.zip Rusty Wallace
Plain Text Format L28_Text_Template.txt L28_Text_Template.zip Matt Holy

These are my preferred templates for L28. However, I will accept anything as long as it is well written and clear.

Here is a link to the formats offered on the general throneworld site: http://www.throneworld.com/lords/players/forms/index.html

See the below link for a detailed kit on using the L28 Word Template.doc file, and for general tips in writing a set of orders that will make me happy.

Anatomy of an Order Sheet

Expanded Leader Action