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 Lords of the Earth, Campaign 27

The Dark Ages: Turn 40: 696-700 AD

Troop Conversions
Infantry200 men
Cavalry200 horsemen
Siege Engineers200 men
Warships2 ships
Transports2 ships
Field Forts2 forts
Color coded Nation headers:

Tech 6

Tech 5

Tech 4

Tech 3

Tech 2

Tech 1

Table of Contents
Special Interest:

General Information: (*= New)

Welcome to L27, I am your GM for L27; my name is Chet S. My Lords GM address is: Lords27gm@throneworld.com for orders and L27 stuff, and my L27 paypal address is: Chetb5@snet.net

Turn fee is still $5.00, but if you pay by credit card though paypal please include $0.50 cents * per turn payment to cover the Paypal credit card fee. Also I do not accept any personal checks as my bank charges me a $20 fee for any bounced checks that I deposit...(Money orders & certified checks are ok.)

Any nation that reaches a -$10.00 balance without making an arrangement with me will not be processed, * and not sending orders in for three turns in a row in addition to not making payments, will force me open your country to a new player who has the time and money...

I have policy of no switching nations if your balance is in the red, until that negative balance is paid and you must also pay for one turn ahead so your in the black.

Please use this Order form if it runs on your computer: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/Lords-27/files/L27_Excel_orders_template.xls

If you do not have Microsoft Excel, there is a free version of Office called OpenOffice that will open, edit and save Excel file at: http://www.openoffice.org/

Do not put new or old projects in the builds section of the above Order form; they only go in the new or old projects section, and do not delete any part of the order form that you are not using, just leave the unused sections blank and do not add any page-breaks either.

Make sure your e-mail address is right in your orders, that is the address the program will send your stat sheet to...

Troops builds: If your leader is in the region already, don't build troops for the garrison and then have him pick them up, just build troops for him.

Mercenaries: Remember that you MUST specify a city where you are hiring the Mercs. Failure to do this will result in no Mercs and the money being lost. Also, mercenaries may not be hired for more than one turn at a time. This may change when the Years per Turn reduces sufficiently enough for a contract to carry over to multiple turns. PLEASE put where you are hiring any mercenaries AND how many you are trying to hire AND how much you are willing to pay per point of troops in your builds section on the order form. PLEASE put this information in the notes section at the end of your builds. Otherwise you will not get the mercenaries and the GPs bid on them will be lost.

For Public works (PWB) builds, please state whether its for a region or city in your builds section. (Like "Region of Kashmir", "City of Atlantis"...).

Claimed Regions and Cities: These regions and cities will be noted by a dot in your color, not a full color shading of the region.

*Order format: Please name your orders L27_T41_NationName.xls

*BTW Any newsfax material supplied with your orders would be appreciated but not guarantee to be used...

My rule changes: (* = New starting this turn)

TRANSFERS: A lot of orders don't state if the transfer was spent, or saved, or even received, so all gold transfers will go into gold savings and all agro transfers will into reserves and the receiving nation will not be able to spend or convert them until next turn after (the agro will still help against famine). BTW gold or agro transfers will not be refused by receiving nation unless you state in your orders that you do not accept gifts from so and so, or from anybody...

Lords 27 now uses Rules: 5.10.0 and this game uses HOT - Hands Off Trade

From now on, leaders by their self do not need to have ships to travel across water (unless they are exploring)...

Rule & Admin Actions: Only the King, Regent, Heir, Primate, Archbishop, Grandmaster, or Master may conduct a Rule action. Only an Heir, Prince, Master, Archbishop, Bishop or Lieutenant may conduct an Admin action.

Only Kings & Queens, and Heirs can have children (HC). Having Children: A leader (Kings & Queens, and Heirs) conducting either Rule, Defend (not React), or Admin in the Capital or Homeland region may also perform Have Children actions at the same time. I'm assuming he's not working 24 hours a day on Administrating! Also, please let me know for how many actions your King, Queen, Heir, etc, is having. Unless, it's not specified, I'll assume the HC action is being done for the entire turn. Finally, if the individual doing the HC is female, there is a chance that they may die in childbirth...

Leader assistance: If a leader is assisting another, please make a note of this in the assisted leader's orders, and a tip for you: large armies with only one leader are hard for them to handle and if the single leader is killed, they will fall apart.

Keep track of action points & total action points for your leaders, (& if you build troops for leaders please state in the builds section for which leader A#01, etc), otherwise your leader might end up doing nothing.

AP reminder: please remember that it is the slowest unit of a given force that determines which unit modifiers apply towards determining APs/year. So if your army of light, elite cavalry includes even one heavy infantry unit, the footsloggers are slowing everyone down. Also if a leader has a combat rating of four or less, he has a –1 AP per year modifier when he is with any type of troops.

Unnamed leaders: suffer a –1 to their action points per year and Kings without names will be named by me if you don't, also unnamed cities do not get built, what's more leaders need to keep track of their AP expenditure in their orders or run an excellent chance that they will do nothing the entire turn, and need to have the leader number along with the name, i.e. L01 for King, L02 for Heir, etc (same as the stat sheet)...

Allied Leaders: the following are the rules concerning allied leaders. Any troops attached to an allied leader may not be detached for any purpose. They stay with the allied leader at all times. Allied leader units may not be demobilized, although they will go away if the player decides to reduce the control level of the allied region or if the allied leader dies and is not replaced. Players may build or assign additional units to the allied army but such units become part of the allied army and may not be taken back.

Loaning troops: Loaned troops must be accompanied by one of their own leaders and the troops stay with that leader, if you give troops away then they are divided by two so the receiving nation only gets half of what you send them (and no you can not give away leaders, except for princes to churches as per the rules).

Leaders as Espionage Points: If you're using a leader for an espionage operation or bonus point, they must be located in the region or city where the operation is occurring. If the op is a spectacular failure, there is a chance that any leader assigned to the operation may be caught or killed, which can be embarrassing.

HORDE RULING: Hordes are to be played by a single player (or maybe played by an Americans player if no other can be found).

Certain builds take an entire turn to perform (although for clerical reasons are usually done at the same time as the rest of the builds). These are: City Construction (both new and additional levels), all Megalithic Construction Projects, Colonies, and Fortresses. (What this means is that you may not take advantage of a given build of this type on the turn that it is constructed. For example: you may not base MSPs or build PWBs at the increased city capacities until the turn after the construction is done. Similarly, PWBs may not be built in excess of a region's old terrain type the turn it becomes cultivated or colonized to a higher GPV. Please plan accordingly.)

Demobilizing Units: you cannot demobilize units and rebuild them elsewhere on the same turn. This is not allowed as per rule 5.4.6 indicates. However, unlike the rules, I will allow demobilized units to be rebuilt elsewhere on the turn following their demobilization or later. The NFP simply go into your saved NFP slot.

Regional Cultivation is now a base level one project, but I will be using the megalithic construct cost multiples on table 6-2.

Empty ( / ) regions need at least one troop to garrison them if you want to claim them and you can't DP them as there is nobody home.

Diplomacy on Pacified & Pacified Tributary: Diplomacy can be conducted on these regions with the success number being added to the Years from Conquest (YfC) number on your stat sheet. It is still a long process...

Colonization Any region that is cultivated or has been cultivated and is less than 2 GPV can be increased in value up to 2 GPV for the cost of 15 GP and 15 NFP per GPV of increase. Any named island can be colonized to 1 GPV.

Homeland colonization: any tech 6 nation can colonize their homeland to level 3 GPV, assuming its cultivated (and already 2 GPV) for a cost of 20 NFP and 20 GP. Any tech 9 nation can colonize their homeland to level 4 GPV, assuming it's cultivated (and already 3 GPV) for a cost of 25 NFP and 25 GP.

Exploration: With the following exceptions, all nations have knowledge of sea zones only within trade range of them, unless they have the rudders listed on their stat sheet, and all European nations have knowledge of all sea zones that border Europe (Mediterranean and Atlantic).

Rudders cannot be sold or shared the same turn that they are explored and discovered; word of and maps of the rudders need to make it back home.

In L27 Mercs are listed by religion, and they prefer to be hired by their own religion (and will chose theirs over yours if different), so if your a tolerant religion [See chart on L27 site] then you can hire them, but if you're a hostile religion then forget about hiring them.... *Mercenary Commanders & Mercenary Leaders: If you hire any of the mercenaries available in an area, a merc commander comes with them and they must stay with the merc commander at all times. Also a Merc leader since he is named and he outranks a commander and may be hired with the Merc Commander and troops as a extra (or main / backup) leader.

Exact Tithe: A Primate needs to have an Influence in the country where the EXT operation is taking place. If you do, you can exact a tithe % equal to or less than the influence value. So if a primate had a two influence in a nation, the primate player could attempt to exact a one or two percent tithe. This makes establishing influence extremely important. The maximum influence a primate can have in a given country cannot exceed the latter's RS.

Loot Religious Site: It is the same as a loot region action, were half of the loot must be given to the troops, or if you don't give half, it might cause mutiny.

Sea zones marked on the map with an "H" are hostile, and you will lose ships and maybe leaders if you try to pass through them, regionswith "HS" are hostile to you DPing them (and most other actions)...

Attacking a Field Fort defended province costs +1 AP extra.

MAX TAX is going to stay at 2.0 for now, and trade income will be caped at 1.5 of your income for T40, for T41 will be 1.25, then down to 1.0 on T42.



Religion Troops
ShintoMerc Commander M543, 30i, 10c, 10s, 10w
MahayanaMerc Commander M543, 15i, 55c, 5s, 5w
TherevadaMerc Commander M543, 15i, 50c, 5s, 5w
HinduMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 5s, 10w
Asiatic PaganZhon Li M6B5;
Merc Commander M543, 10i, 15c, 5s, 5w

Takeda Shogunate

Shinto | Seafaring | Tech 4
Shogun Aro
Diplomacy: Kumanolo [Sacked], Cheju Do [P], City of Chungmum [P], Nigata [F]

Shogun Aro made a sea journey to invade the island of Cheju Do with his fleet and troops. Once there he quickly took over the island with minimum loss. Next on his agenda was his city of Chungmum. There he had his troops lay siege and the lightly defended city fell before the end of the year.

Back home disaster struck when a volcano called Aso erupted in the region of Saga that heavily damaged the region and destroyed the city Kumanolo (Sacked).The good news from home consisted of some very large investments in the country's religious operations and a large one towards its universities. A road network project was started that connected a few regions and it was hoped that eventually would cover the whole main island of Japan. Missionaries continued to be sent out, meeting with some success in the city of P'Intung, and island of Tuk, while they completed the conversion of the island of Marianas to the Shinto faith.

Kannagara No Michi

Shinto | Seafaring | Tech 4
Grandmaster Yuchiro died in 697, Korizawa succeeded him.
Diplomacy: Sikhote [OH], Yamaguchi [N/E], Ueshiba [N/E], city of Heian [OO], Shimane [N/E], Toyama [N/E], city of Wajima [N/E], Nigata [OO], city of Kanazawi [O/P], Shikoku [N/E]

Grandmaster Yuchiro was in Yamaguchi trying to found a new site for the order when he ate some Fugu that didn't agree with him and he was dead in minutes. Korizawa the next grandmaster went to pick up some troops in Korizawa but he just couldn't decide on how many to pick up (please be more clear on your leader's orders). Elsewhere within the Kannagara No Michi, the news was not as grim, as a small investment was made in the order's infrastructure, and another 4,600 heavy elite cavalry were trained in Kwanto as the order was still trying to replace the loses suffered during the ill-fated invasion of the Chinese mainland of decade ago.

Mahayana Buddhist

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Primate Ch'Dong Den died in 699, Tan Man Kang succeeded him.
Diplomacy: City of Yanchuan [Ch], city of Tiatmen [N/E], city of Si-Lei [AB], Hopei [N/E], city of New Dragon [AB], city of Chiangning [-UN], Kiangsu [CH], Shengtung [AB], Chinling [MN], Kansu [N/E]

Primate Ch'Dong Den left the region of Honan and journeyed to the city of Si-Lei where he performed his last service to Buddha. He founded an abbey within the city, and continued on to the region of Hopei with the aim of establishing yet another site, but he passed away at age 64 in his sleep. Before the Primate died away he ordered the construction of a Buddhist holy project called Emei Shan, which will consist of carving the holy mountain into the likeness the Buddha himself.Another Buddhist leader named T'ing Po died in his prison cell in Yun at the old age of 71 the desolate condition of his cell proved to be to much for him.While Junren Wei journeyed from Honan to establish an abbey in Shengtung, he went to a city of Si-Lei to found an abbey only to discover the Primate had already established one there!

The church stored a large shipment of grain against a rainy day, and made a small investment in its university. In addition a handful of troops where enlisted to garrison Honan, an a few public works were improved in Anahui and Houma.

Order of the Shaolin Temple

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Grandmaster Qin Zhan
Diplomacy: Honan [N/E], Funiu [OH], Tsainan [OH], Shan'si [OH], city of Kaiching [OP]

Grandmaster Qin Zhan spent all of his time trying to establish an order estate in Honan to no success, it seems the local authorities were expecting some gold to change hands and they were very disappointed not to receive any.Elsewhere in the Order a small investment was made in the universities (all the students got new quills) and they handed over some field forts in Yen and Shangtang to the Black Dragons.The Grandmaster received good news that the missionaries in Parahae had met with some success; it was accompanied by some bad news of some bandits that raided the region of Silla carrying off everything that wasn't nailed down.

The Lu Kingdom of Korea

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
King Gang Hong-Rip

King Gang Hong-Rip fortified the regions that he had previously conquered, and then he gave the command of his troops to his heir Kim Dae-Jung. The King took a well-deserved rest and did nothing else except for ordering shipping built for some fishing fleets, in addition to a few public works built in the region of Sufenhe, and Kaiching

Theravada Buddhist

Civilized | Tech 4
Primate Le-Thu expired in 698, new Primate named Kai-Lun.
Diplomacy: City of Hienyang [N/E], city of Haibian [N/E], city of Nanchung [CH], city of Tii [AB], Szechwan [CA]

Primate Le-Thu died in the city of Nanchung. He was preaching to the masses when his heart gave out in the fall of 698 (at the age of 74 the journey to Nanchung was to much for his frail health). The Church suffered another loss with Bishop Chi-Wu's death in 699, his body failing at the comparably young age of 61.Within the church investments were made to the university (large), religion bonus (medium), and siege, Intel, and assassin activities (small).Church missionaries failed in Kiangsu, and succeeded Nan Chao.

The Hu Empire

Theravada Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Hu Tii, King of the Hu, Son of Heaven, Protector of the Enlightened, Emperor of the Middle Kingdom, Lord of Golden Dragon Father of the Han
Diplomacy: City of T'ii Dawn [N/E], Guizhou [N/E]

Emperor Hu Tii's rule was filled with sorrow; he was devastated by the death of his wife Hu Mei. His heir Hu Dong was ever vigilant with the world's largest army at his command (his wife gave birth to twin sons much to his joy). It was a time of progress as three bridges were built, and public works were improved in three regions as well as a huge investment was made in the university. The Emperor also suffered the loss of one of his finest leaders: Xie Xin died in the region Guizhou during a diplomatic visit, when he was robbed and killed by some thieves. Missionaries to Fukien failed miserably and were exiled from the region.

Empire of the Black Dragon

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Lui II
Diplomacy: Lob Nor [-UN], city of Ta'Ting [FA], city of Baotuo [FA], Yen [+5YFC]

Emperor Lui II was surprised and happy to see peace in China for the first time in over two decades. Other than interfering with the merchants he had some new troops trained for his army and he stayed ready to react to any revolt or invasion. He was also pleased that his leaders were successful in all three of their endeavors. The empire returned the control of the region of Lob Nor to the local authorities and the usual investments were made in the universities. The only discouraging word to reach the Emperor's ears was that missionaries to Hsuing'Nu failed in their tasks to convert the barbarians.

The Imperial Realm of Honan

Buddhist | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Lui Zhaokang the Kinslayer
Diplomacy: City of Chiangning [A], Anhai [+22YFC]

Emperor Lui Zhaokang entered the city of Chiangning on a mission to improve diplomatic relations with the city. He fell in love with one of the noble ladies of the city and was soon married and blessed with a son. As a result the mission to the city was successful too. A group of his leaders achieved some progress in getting the region of Anahi to have closer ties to the realm but one of those worthies was found dead in his bed with no marks on him.The usual but small investment was made in the university and minor investments were made in a half a dozen other things.

The Mongol Horsemen

Asiatic Pagan | Nomadic | Tech 3
Khan Kanata passed away in 698 his son Altan became the new Khan.
Diplomacy: Chitin [N/E]

Khan Kanata led his horde to the region of Chitin to talk again with the horde there. The negotiations were going well until he choked on some roast dog and died, which put a dampener on things. His son took over but could no longer make any headway with the Chitin horde. The new Khan's wife provided him with one son and daughter.

Sirivijayan Empire

Hinduism | Seafaring | Tech 4
Emperor Gnialat II
Diplomacy: Perak [A]

Emperor Heir Gnialat II ruled uneventfully and his heir administered to the empire. Massive improvements to the empire consisted of cultivation started in Johor and Sulawesi, seven cities were expanded, and public works were built for eleven cities and two regions on a scale not seen before.As some small investments were made to area of worships, for the infrastructure, and the university. The only tragic event for the Empire was at the young age of 32 leader Tormac accidentally died during a training exercise leaving his troops leaderless.

Kingdom of Champa

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 4
King Tri Jayaavarman II
Diplomacy: Kayah [-NT], Sagaing [-NT],Wuliang [C], Arukan [-AW]

King Tri Jayaavarman II ruled quite well and kept his army ready for action. Improvements to the empire consisted of cultivation started in Laos, and finished in Lampang and Nison; three cities were increased in size, public works saw improvements in both cities of Vijaya and Angor, and walls were added to the city of Hanuman. Twenty war ships from a Hindu mercenary group hired to help with exploring the Molucca Sea. Troubling news reached the king that the colony of Arukan proclaimed its independence, in addition a wild story of an old Hindu holy man was seen wandering through the land and causing religious unrest.To top that students were complaining at the university the conditions were so bad that they didn't have chairs, desks, or even books.



Religion Troops
HinduMerc Commander M543, 25i, 20c, 15s, 5w
Sunni IslamMerc Commander M543, 5i, 10c, 5s

The Temple of Kali

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 4
Primate Jawaharlal
Diplomacy: City of Thatthati [N/E], city of Puttheusi [AB], city of Puarsitti [N/E], city of Bihar [N/E] , city of Melindara [N/E]m, city of Mansura [AB], city of Mithi [N/E], city of Tamralipti [CA], city of Mandras [CH], city of Saravi [N/E], city of Mashentia [N/E], city of Nabhatumi [N/E], city of Delchandere [N/E], city of Ganjaharti [N/E], city of Elumnarta [N/E]

Primate Jawaharlal took a voyage to Africa to bring some of his Temple troops to Zimbabwe, where they were to help keep the peace while that nation converted to Hinduism (they all wore armbands with the picture of Kali on it, lol). His next stop was to Champa where he tried to impose a tithe on that country of uneducated and backwater people. Within the temple itself, a small investment was made in the religious operations while some ships were built and troops were trained in the city of Banavasi. Gold continued to be sent west to the Hindu Kingdom of Afriqa, and Great Zimbabwe. The temples leader's success stories were few and far between, with the worst happening to the Bishop Obywan who was taken prisoner in the city of Saravi after somehow insulting the local lord. There was some good news that the Temple's own religious strength increased, and that Hindu influence grew in three countries in Champa, Sirvijaya, and the Hindu Kingdom of Afriqa. The usual Missionary missions had some success too, within Bahuatn, and Dhera-Dun.

The Sword of Shiva

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 4
Grandmaster Jumang died in 698, Ajit became the new grandmaster
Diplomacy: City of Navaoh [OH], Chithor [OP], Ras Hafun [OH], Berberan {N/E], Jaunpor [N/E], Kilwa [OH], Nyasa [OH], Malawi [N/E]

Grandmaster Jumang continued to have all the charming charisma of a barbarian, and as usual he managed to insult the local leaders in Berbera. But this time he went too far and local leaders had him put to death. More grim news arrived that Master Hisaha had expired during his quest when his body was returned to the orders fortress headquarters with full honors.Yet still the Order suffered another casualty: Brother Jaidav died during the attempt to establish a site in Juanpor when a section of a retaining wall unfortunately collapsed upon him. Despite the setbacks the order continued to plan towards it's future by investing in its university and making numerous small investments.

Empire of Asamakara

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Ilore

During Emperor Ilore's rule many improvements and investments were made to his empire. The size of the investments made to religious Opps, bonus, and infrastructure were huge, while a colossal investment was made in the university, like the world has never seen before. It would appear that the students will be eating off of gold plates, while in some Asian countries the students barely have enough to eat. Cities continued to expand at a torrid rate and many public works projects followed to handle the increased population. The Empire even added a new port city in Gujerat called Sikar, which had to be built to help deal with India's population explosion. Emperor Ilore's proclamation outlawing slave labor was well received by everybody except the slavers. Furthermore he stated that the Empire would work towards an agrarian based economy.

Gupta Empire

Hinduism | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Hupta

Emperor Hupta failed to issue any orders and manpower and resources continued to build up. As a result the treasury burst at the seams resulting in much lost gold.

No orders again...

Dar Al'Harb Emirate

Sunni Islam | Nomadic | Tech 4
Caliph Abu Bakr

Caliph Abu Bakr was abandoned by inspiration, and motivation resulting in no orders...

Open for a player...



Religion Troops
CopticMerc Commander M543, 20i, 25c, 10s, 10w
ZoroastrianJabq M7BA;
Merc Commander M543, 15i, 40c, 5s, 10w

The Empire of Kara-Khitai

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Qutlugh
Diplomacy: City of Axanja [A], Tadzik [N/E], Balkash [C], Turkmen [FA]

Emperor Qutlugh, one of the youngest emperors in the Middle East, but he continued to govern like he had been there for decades. He made some small investments throughout his Empire, and made a large investment in the Empire's University. The cities of Mara and Tolmak were expanded and public works added to Mara by the Emperor's orders. The military was not neglected as some heavy elite cavalry units were trained for both the Emperor's army and for the ally in Ferghana.Prince Togatan was sent on a diplomatic mission to visit the Khirgiz Raider's homeland, since the Kara-Khitai had once been a horde in the distant past, the Emperor invited their brothers to join the empire, but unfortunately, the mission didn't proceed very well and the prince was soon thrown into a pit filled with wild dogs.Back home the Emperor's personal life was devastated when he learned that his young wife died in childbirth and to make matters worse, the child was stillborn.

The Parthian Empire

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Shah Ahmorad
Diplomacy: Gurgan [NT], Shadad [C], Balkh [C], city of Ahmor [F]

Shah Ahmorad made some minor improvements, but he needs a player to make some major ones.

Open for a player...

Zoroastrian Church

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 4
Patriarch Docan dies in 700, Bathys new Patriarch.
Diplomacy: Socotra [N/E], Aleppo [N/E] city of Socotra [N/E], Psidia [CH], city of Sinope [-AB], Kuban [N/E]. Alan [N/E], Baki [N/E], city of Adalia [AB] city of Al-Aqabah [N/E], city of Angcuran [N/E]

Patriarch Docan's heart failed him while he was in Socotra trying to establish a church in its region and city. Fortunately for Bathys, he was released from the Psidia prison cell he had been spending the last couple of years in, so he was able to return home and became the new Patriarch.Elsewhere, Bishop Tarasas and his army finally found the St.Georgios' site within the region of Asia with the help of church agents, Bishop Tarasas looted and destroyed the site, but in his greed he didn't share any of the loot with his troops and half of them deserted him (please read the rules on the L27 site).

The Church continued it's building program by increasing the size of the city of Ctesiphon along with improving its public works there and within the region of Mesopotamia, and also built another bridge this time from Carhae to Aleppo. Investments were made to the Church's religious operations, and a large one was made to the bureaucratic offices that caused that office to expand.Missionaries reported a complete success in Hellespontus and also some Church support was given to the new nation of Alan to help their bureaucratic offices and infrastructure.

The Sassanid Empire of Persia

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Vahram VI, ShahanShah Eran Ud Aneran, King of Persia, Media and Babylonia, Sultan of Kuwait, Overlord of Syria, Lebanon and Anatolia, The Scourge of the Greeks, The Light of the Aryans, The Holy Arm of Ahura-Mazda, The Great King, The Sassanid, Heir to the Achaemenids
Diplomacy: Moesia [P], Achea [P], Attica [P], Thessaly [P]

Vahram VI continued his impressive rule and his wife Tesha blessed him with three pregnancies. The first born was a son, but sadly the second one was stillborn.They continued to try and have another child but unfortunately she and the third child died in childbirth.The war effort continued with a huge buildup of about 300 warships to replace the losses of the previous season (caused by Admiral Cyrus' betrayal) and troop buildup continued too with almost 30,000 mixed troops recruited. Small investments were made in infrastructure, siegeworks, and the University. On a side note the Alans arrived to take control of some of the former ERE regions, but it seems the paperwork for the transfers was lost or misplaced and so it never took place.


Persian forces took up the offensive again as one army invaded from the South by sea into Achea, while another army invaded from the East into Moesia.Both armies initially were successful meeting light ERE resistance (both regions only had a couple of field forts).The Southern army accompanied by a Farohars' army pillaged it's way through Attica into Thessaly with minor losses and stopped there to consolidate its gains, while the Eastern army looted Moesia, thus giving the ERE and it's allies time to set up defensives in Thrace and man the forty or so field forts there. The Eastern army accompanied by a Goth army continued it's invasion into Thrace. Unfortunately their agent's assistance in their upcoming battle was flawed, and their leader's battle tactics was not much better.Furthermore they were surprised to find themselves outnumbered 2 to 1 and soon the slaughter of their forces began.Only about 20 percent of the eastern army made it back into Moesia alive leaving behind over 30,000 dead and the Persian Heir Vazdegerd taken captive by the Greeks. The other leader Abbas perished in the battle for Thrace, while the Goths didn't fare any better leaving behind almost 10,000 dead, but at least their leaders survived. Afterwards ERE Emperor Ortaheus flush with his army's success in trouncing the Persians (and their Goth allies) and taking only light loses (ERE and its allies lost only a little over 6,000 troops), was about to pursue the retreating armies into Moesia and finish the job, but his advisers reported another Persian army to the South which convinced him to stay in Thrace and block the way to Constantinople.

The Farohars of Ahura-Mazda

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Grandmaster Arshya died in 700, Master Sanve succeed him
Diplomacy: Phryia [-UN]

Grandmaster Arshya and his army continued to protect the Persian homeland until his death in the year 700. He passed away in his sleep at a relativity young age of 56. Rumor had it that the rich and extravagant lifestyle at the palace with its endless parties finally caught up with him. His second in command, Master Sanve moved quickly to replace him although he was only half the man his former grandmaster was. Lucky for him more suitable candidates for the grandmaster position were away involved with the invasion of Achea. For example Master Frahuha who had studied many books and was probably the finest student of military history and tactics that the Order has seen in a generation was one of those absent. The Farohars built 40 warships and 4,000 mixed troops for the war effort, but most of their commanders wished they had built transports instead as they were able to only transport a fraction of the troops for the invasion.

News within the Order consisted of numerous small investments ranging from improving their Intel to expanding the University. Also a royal road started years ago from Paphlagonia to Galacia was finally finished, and many within the Order thought that in the future it would be used to help with an invasion of Constantinople itself. Another fatality occurred in Hellespontus, Brother Zefnera who was in his early fifties was found dead without a mark on him, leaving his army leaderless. Also the region of Phryia was turned over to the new Alan government to help foster a good relationship with them.

[See The Second Romano-Zoroastrian War (681-)].

Mithraic Colchis (was the Empire Alan)

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Autarch Nasim of the Watchful Eye.
Diplomacy: Phrygia [P], Khazar [FA], Saksiny [C], Patzinak [N/E]

Emperor Nasim proclaimed himself Autarch and renamed his country Mithraic Colchis and continues to rule with a stern hand. He ordered small investment made to improve the infrastructure, had cultivation started in both Kuban and Abasagia and construction was started on a road from Abasagia to Alan. In addition both Taman and Pontus were colonized, and some field forts were demobilized in Paphlagonia and Galatia to help provide the manpower for the preceding projects. Despite getting on in life (age 68) Leader Rustuom was still well known for his diplomatic skills, so he was sent on a diplomatic mission to the three regions of Khazar, Saksiny and Patzinak with progress made in two out of the three.

The Sultanate of Aden

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 5
Sultan Abdullah
Diplomacy: Madina [N/E], Oman [N/E], Sakalava [C], Mahabo [-T], Qatar [-T], Dubai [-UN], Muscat [-UN], Zafar [-UN}

Sultan Abdullah's rule was quite peaceful except he sent a fleet of forty heavy elite warships to help assist the Persian and Farohars fleets. His wife gave birth to four healthy children (two sons and two daughters).Quite a few investments were made within the Sultanate of which six were small, five were large, and a huge one in the University.The Sultan decided it was time to lend his troops to his young heir to give him some experience with a command; at the end of five years the Sultan retook command of his troops, at the same time praising his heir for a job well done. Leader Vizier Aslan made some progress in getting the region of Sakalava to acknowledge a claim from the Sultanate, and then he continued his journey crossing the Mozambique Channel. He never made it to the other side and was never seen again, although wreckage from his ships washed up on both sides of the channel.Construction was the norm: as a new port city called Shur was built in Oman, with another new port city in Mahajanga in Mahabo, in addition both Hadranat and Yemen were colonized.

The Khirgiz Raiders

Asiatic Pagan | Nomadic | Tech 3
Khan Halit

Khan Halit just sat back and enjoyed the entertainment provided by the Kara-Khitai Prince Togatan as he competed with the wild dogs for food, for the time to ride was not yet upon the horde.

Open for a player...



ArianMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 5s, 10w
CopticMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 5s, 10w
PiratesMarkus M667,
Merc Commander M543, 35hw, 10hew, 5w, 20i

The Egyptian Empire

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Merakh
Diplomacy: Suakin [FA], Gefara [-UN], Tripolitania [-UN], Lybia [-UN], Ad'Diffah [-UN], City of Tiber [-UN]

Emperor Merakh kept his troops on alert ready for any invasions of the Egyptian homeland, but was unwilling to meet the oncoming crusader army in desert regions.In fact, he had the Egyptian armies that were occupying the desert regions of his enemies withdraw back to Egypt leaving behind small garrisons. He ordered more troops trained in Egypt proper with another 20,000 heavy cavalry joining the region garrison and surprisingly no gold shipments were sent to any of Egypt's allies. Following in the late Empress' footsteps a female Princess was promoted, her name "Lyrissia", for a female had to run the empire for the past twenty years and were now accepted as rulers and leaders. In 697 the Emperor was devastated by the news of his brother and heir Djedkara's death, he was found in his bed with a dagger in his heart. His new young wife who had given birth to a son the year before was missing and pregnant with his second child.A year later more depressing news reached the Emperor that bureaucracy offices were damaged by some Vandals.Finally some good news was received that Bishop Drebus' diplomatic mission to Suakin achieved some success.


The Vandal campaign (Holy Grail War) began with an assassination attempt on the Egyptian Emperor Merakh's life, but the Christian Church's agents failed miserably and were killed by the Egyptian Emperor's royal guard.Egyptian forces in Gefara also refused the Christian Church's offer to mutiny. The Vandal agents were finally able to stop enemy agents in their attempt to damage the Vandal bureaucracy. The Egyptians and their allies heard about the Crusade called against them and withdrew their forces back to the region of Egypt to better defend their homeland. The Crusade began in Casablanca the forces marched east towards Egypt, almost forty thousand strong. They easily liberated Gefara for the Vandals and proceeded on to conquer Tripolitania, Lybia, Ad'Diffah, and the city of Tiber. They established a Crusader state of Chalice in the lands they conquered and renamed Tiber to the city of Chalice (at this point the Holy War still continues and the Crusader state is not a true nation yet, therefore not open for a player).

The Theban Legion made up for their failures in the past by successfully invading Morroco, and they sieged the city fortress Fez. The city and its fortress fell and the city was sacked and burnt.Worst yet for the Legion's enemies the sites of the Knights of Arius and the Christian Church were looted in both Morroco and Fez.

The order of Saint Cyril's campaign started out with the death of one of it's two leaders and went downhill from there.The remaining leader followed his orders to trail his grandmaster's advanced force, but he perished in the battle for the region of Idjil leaving his leaderless troops to disperse.

The Order of the Theban Legion

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Master Candid
Diplomacy:Morocco [P], city of Fez [PT]

Master Candid defended the Sicilian ferry point in Calabria with his army from any invasions by holy warriors. The army and navy continued to be rebuilt with 17,000 mixed troops and 98 assorted ships. Vandal agents struck the bureaucracy offices but their attack was repelled.Elsewhere in reaction to the Christian Crusade religious frenzy struck the region of the Thebes resulting in a new religious trade center springing up and its city of Karnak becoming a holy city. While the invasion of Morocco was a success [See The Coptic Wars (686-) in Egypt section, for the war's details], two Legion leaders attempting to incite a rebellion in Merrakesh but were captured along with the gold they carried. Missionaries achieved moderate success in Tunisa, Morocco and Fez (but the sacking and burning of the city didn't help things).

The Coptic Church

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Patriarch Cyril died in 700, Mark was appointed Patriarch
Diplomacy: City of Karnak [HC]

Patriarch Cyril presided over the church until he died in 700 of heart failure at the relatively young age of 50. The church made large investments in its cavalry infantry and siege skills to better oppose the Crusade. Medium sized investments were made in the religious operations and bonuses and to its University. More war efforts consisted of more than 20 field forts in the region of Egypt. And within its city of Alexandra, 14,000 heavy infantry were trained along with couple thousand siege engineers.To pay for this manpower 24 light elite warships were decommissioned! The Church's missionaries spread the holy word in Nicte, Sicily, Algeria, and Kabilya.

[See The Coptic Wars (686-) in Egypt section, for the war's details]

The Empire of Axum

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Verhanu
Diplomacy: Funj [N/E], Amurto [N/E], Shoa [EA], Dongola [F]

Emperor Verhanu ruled his country and when the queen got back from the successful diplomatic trip to Dongola they were blessed with a birth of a son nine months later. Much construction proceeded throughout the empire: a bridge was built over the Nile from Axum to Funj, a road from Sennar to Adowa, cultivation was started and Dongola, and public works were built in Gezira. A lot of large investments were made too numerous to list here resulting in the bureaucracy offices, warship capabilities, religious operations, and bonus going up. Due to the new holy city the religious strength of the country also increased.

Prince Gondar died during a diplomatic mission to Funj after his food didn't agree with him and the gold that was with him disappeared. Another leader named Mesereh also died during a diplomatic mission to Amurto under the same suspicious circumstances. Missionaries successfully converted a few pagans in Ankolye.

The Hindu Empire of Afriqan

Hindu | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Bhagadatta
Diplomacy: Malawai [EA], Kimbu [T], city of Nava [F], Berbera [N/E]

Emperor Bhagadatta did the usual ruling of his kingdom while his heir went to improve relations with the region of Malawai and married the daughter of its local ruler. As leader Anila and his army went to enslave the population of Burundi, a spear took him in the back. His leaderless army dispersed and none returned as the region became hostile. The King ordered a large investment in siege craft, and small investments to the infantry, navy, intelligence ops, and assassin ops. Hindu Afriqan finally accepted the regions of Malawai, and Kimbu from Asamakara. To better protect the Empire its ally's troops were reequipped and upgraded. Missionaries had great success in Loriu

The Great Zimbabwe

African Pagan | Barbarian | Tech 3
Chief Zimba, Spear of destiny...
Diplomacy: City of Port Arthur [F], Luangula [NT], Kafue [P], Lunda [-UN], city of Cteshwa [-UN]

Chief Zimba, the Spear of Destiny, declared the conversion to the Hindu religion of his country, and he stood ready with his army to stomp anybody who objected.So when the region of Kafue revolted Chief Zimba was quick to react and put down the revolt. Elsewhere the city of Cteshwa and region of Lunda revolted while the rest of the regions and the capital converted. A new port city called Port Arthur was built in Shona at the request of the merchants in order for trade to start. The Chief's heir ruled while the Chief was gone a-stomping and his wife blessed him with two children.

The Shields of St. Cyril

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Grandmaster Amoebi, Shield of the Faithful, died in 698 Segun Odegbami replaced him.
Diplomacy: City of Uzoi [-UN], Benin [-OO], Oasis of Terhazza [PT], Oasis of Bir-El-Khazaim [P]

Grandmaster Amoebi decided to join his Coptic brothers in their war and start a southern front against the Vandals and their allies. He led an advance force to clear the Oases for the main army.He was able to take over the Oasis of Terhazza and Bir-El-Khazaim, but perished in a sandstorm at Bir-El-Khazaim and his leaderless troops remained as a garrison. The main army was supposed to have been lead by two of the Order's leaders, unfortunately one was found dead on the morning of departure. The remaining leader Ifeanyi Udunze knew his grandmaster already began his campaign and did his best to complete his orders. He took his army of almost 20,000 assorted troops from Songhai through two oases to the empty region of Igiudur to stage his attack against the Knights in Arguin. The attack started off well but then Ifeanyi caught a spear in the throat and his leaderless army fell apart and dispersed. With three out of four leaders dead things got worse when mount Cameroon erupted in the region Benin devastating it and destroying the city of Uzoi.

Empire of Kanem

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Nemo

The Emperor Nemo was on maneuvers with his army and when he returned his royal court pressed him to name a heir and also a prince.Within the Empire public works and fields were increased in Soro, Daza, and Jos so that the Empire would become an even larger breadbasket for the Coptics. Also a small investment was made in the University and field fortifications were built in three regions. A rumor was started that the empire had stolen the Holy Grail from the Christians and a cup was paraded around...

Akan, Lords of the Gold Coast

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
King Cyrill
Diplomacy: Niete [NT], city of Lakoja [F]

King Cyrill's ruled quite well with no major problems besides the volcano in Benin, and his heirs wife blessed him with some grandchildren.A cultivation project was finished in Bomi, higher walls were built for the city Khaziptioples in Togo, public works were built for the regions of Kwararafa, Gagnoa, along with the city of Buchanan and a new port city named Lakoja was built on the lower Niger River in Kwararafa.Both leaders Momodou and Christopheros, who were preaching in Bomi died at the hands of an angry mob. Coptic missionaries had some success in the region of Niete, and food supplies were shipped to the Coptic Church.

The Christian Church of God

Arian Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Patriarch Ralston
Diplomacy: Morocco [-UN], city of Fez [-UN]

Patriarch Ralston helped fire up the faith of the Crusaders and with the Holy Grail accompanying them to Carthage; he then gave them a grand sendoff. Elsewhere Casablanca became a holy city and increased in population while some field forts were built in two regions and an oasis. New troops were trained for the Crusade and some more troops were recruited for the defense of Carthage, along with a few heavy warships in Casablanca.

[See The Coptic Wars (686-) in Egypt section, for the war's details]

The Knights of Arius

Arian Christian | Seafaring | Tech 4
Grandmaster Bseleric died in 696, Eusebiys promoted
Diplomacy: Morocco [-UN], city of Fez [-UN]

Grandmaster Bseleric unfortunately died of a stroke in his bed at the age of 61.Many blamed Coptic poison for the grand masters dismissal as another leader was also found dead in Carthage in his bed too! Arian Christian missionaries flooded the region of Tunisa and wiped out all Coptic influence there.As Lord Paul of Carthage joined the Crusade with fiery spirit and almost 8,000 cavalry. On a side note true believers in Merrakesh turned over to the knights a Coptic Theban legion leader who was trying to incite rebellion; probably due to the increased religious fundamentalism going around.

[See The Coptic Wars (686-) in Egypt section, for the war's details]

Kingdom of the Vandals

Arian Christian | Seafaring | Tech 4
Emperor Garvin
Diplomacy: Gefara [F], Bir-El-Khazaim [-UN], Terhazza [-UN], Merrakesh [F]

Emperor Garvin continued his rule, but seemed to run out of nasty descriptions for the Coptics. He took out a loan to hire the pirates and their leader Markus to help defend the port of Carthage. The Emperor was heartened by the news of the Crusade, and of the news that Casablanca became a holy city, along with the news that a Coptic spy was captured in Merrakesh. The Emperor's personal life took a turn for the worse by the loss of his dear wife of many years who passed away after a short sickness.The walls of Carthage and its fortress were built higher to withstand the Coptic tide of war. The region of Zirad revolted for some unknown reason but it's garrison put down the revolt. The Emperor's young heir Stephan joined the Crusade along with some troops. He stopped in Carthage and left behind a Casablanca wife who was with newborn triplets.The heir, caught up in the holy fire of the Crusade continued on with the Crusaders. News within the Empire was quite good as the bureaucracy offices expanded along with the infrastructure and Intel bonus, while the Empire's agents successfully countered many enemy agents attacks against the Empire.

[See The Coptic Wars (686-) in Egypt section, for the war's details]



Religion Troops
United OrthodoxWaldo M587, Phistronomus M634
Merc Commander M543, 15i, 15c, 10s, 15w
Coptic ChristianMerc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 5s, 10w

The Kingdom of the Teutons

Celtic Christian | Barbarian | Tech 4
King Koneric

King Koneric journeyed to Veposkava to preach about the Celtic Christian religion, where he was quite inspirational and made many new converts. While there Baron Vejostovic arranged a hunt in the King's honor, but unfortunately the Baron had an accident and perished. His seventeen-year-old son stepped up and took his father's place and finished the hunt.

The King's heir ruled in the King's stead and was overjoyed at the news that his wife was expecting but was devastated when she and the child died in childbirth. Elsewhere in the Kingdom the city of Minsk had it's walls removed and the city expanded and then the walls were rebuilt.A small investment was made in the religious operations and the bureaucracy offices expanded.

The Kingdom of the Goths

Arian Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
King Alaric

King Alaric continued his oppressive rule, and remarried a young lass from Muscovy, and together they had one son, but not for the lack of trying.He made his younger brother Osoric his heir, and ordered Prince Theodoric South with his army and leader Vladamir in return for another Persian gold payment.

[See The Second Romano-Zoroastrian War in Sassanid Empire of Persia section for war details...]

The Kingdom of Bulgaria

Asiatic Pagan | Barbarian | Tech 3
Khan Asparukh

Khan Asparukh made some more improvements and upgrades to his kingdom.

Open for a player...

The Kingdom of Bohemia

United Orthodox | Barbarian | Tech 3
King Jon Wilshire died in 700

In the year 700 King Jon Wilshire died, valiantly defending his country from an invasion by Ulania from the South and Alamanii from the North.

Alas, Bohemia is no more!

The Eastern Roman Empire

United Orthodox | Civilized | Tech 6
Emperor Ortaheus
Diplomacy: Achea [OC], Attica [OC], Thessaly [OC], Moesia [OC]

Emperor Ortaheus accepted the loan of troops from the Order of St. Georgios just in time to help halt the Zoroastrian invasion of Thrace and kick some Zoro butt. Elsewhere the Empire's navy was improved by the addition of a hundred new heavy elite warships, and the Empire's enemies damaged the bureaucracy offices again. Admiral Remnoric urged the Emperor to let him take out the fleet to meet the Persian dogs at sea but when the Emperor refused, the Admiral resigned leaving his fleet floating leaderless in the harbor.

[See The Second Romano-Zoroastrian War in Sassanid Empire of Persia section for war details...]

The Orthodox Church

United Orthodox | Civilized | Tech 5
Patriarch John
Diplomacy: City of Athenos [-UN], Thessaly [CH], city of Pherae [CH], Polotvosy [CH], Patzinak [CH], Granada [CH], city of Maderienberg [CH]

Patriarch John ran the church religiously and finally got the ERE to pay tithe after all these years. Elsewhere the church leaders established new churches in the surrounding areas. Tragically the city Athenos was burnt to the ground whether by the invading Persians, or its inhabitants destroyed the city to keep it from falling into Persian hands, nobody knows.

The Order of St. Georgios

United Orthodox | Civilized | Tech 6
Grandmaster Pericles.
Diplomacy: Asia [-UN], Achea [-UN]

Grandmaster Pericles absolutely infuriated at the loss of Greek fire organized a supreme effort to locate it's whereabouts. He sent his best agents to the Zoroastrian Church and intercepted the precious scrolls as they were transferring it to the Persians. Brother Ascantus ongoing efforts to hide the Order's estate in Asia failed due to it being infiltrated by Zoroastrian Church agents.This lead to its discovery by Zoroastrian Church army, which looted and destroyed it and captured the brother.On the construction front the some merchants built a road between Macedon and Thrace to better transport troops.

[See The Second Romano-Zoroastrian War in Sassanid Empire of Persia section for war details...]



Religion Troops
Arian ChristianMerc Commander M543, 15i, 5c, 5s, 5w
Celtic Christian

Merc Commander M543, 10i, 10c, 10s, 5w

The Lombard March of Ispan

United Orthodox | Barbarian | Tech 4
Alistar, Mark of Ispan, Bretwalda of the Lombards

Alistar, Mark of Ispan again was too busy to issue any orders and was in danger of losing his country...

The Kingdom of Amorica

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
King Barnard

King Barnard ordered about 5,000 heavy infantry trained within the capital to improve the security of his kingdom.He also noticed how bad the public works were in Brittany, with sewage running down the streets, so he ordered some improvements made. His heir stood ready to react to any invasion or rebellions with the army of heavy cavalry. A couple of the King's leaders tried to administer to the kingdom's needs but they in order to accomplish anything they should have been in the capital or homeland.

The Alamanni Kingdom

United Orthodox | Barbarian | Tech 3
King Hans Ragnarson
Diplomacy: Kauyavia [P], Meisen [P], Sileasia [P}

King Hans Ragnarson and Prince Bragi together gave a grand feast in honor of Lord Haakon and award him with the command of the Kingdom's army. with Prince Bragi as his second in command."Too long has there been peace and the Alamanni people have been growing soft, and the Kingdom has reached the point where we need to expand" said Lord Haakon and Price Bragi in a joint statement. They chose to do so by unleashing the dogs of war.The King ordered Lord Haakon to take his army and conquer the northern half of Bohemia, whilst, according to the King's intelligence, a similar invasion was to take place in the south by Ulania.The campaign was a success with minimum losses, as the main Bohemian army was kept busy in the south. Bohemia ceased to exist as a nation as the Alamanni added upper Bohemia to their own kingdom. The only discouraging news to reach the King was news that the Teutons with a force of about 3,000 light elite cavalry raided into Danzig and carried off some of it's people as slaves.

The New Roman Empire

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Caesar New Caesar Damianus II, defender of New Rome, light of the West, guardian of civilization
Diplomacy: Lothian [N/E], Anglia [F]

Caesar Damianus II ruled and did the usual expanding of his royal family, as his wife gave birth to a healthy son and daughter. Although he was overjoyed by his new additions to his family, he was saddened by both the news of his mother's death in her sleep, and the news of the death of his daughter-in-law and infant grandson in childbirth. Elsewhere in the Kingdom tons of public works were built in two regions and in two cities. Prince Brann, finally, after years of diplomacy, got the region of Anglia to completely commit to the empire, while the Lord Riga went on a diplomatic mission to Lothian and found it to still be empty...

The Kingdom of Sicily

Arian Christian | Seafaring | Tech 4
King Sarantino II

King Sarantino II reluctantly trained and supplied inexperienced troops and ships for the crusade on the island of Sicily. At the same time he attempted to loot the Arian Christian Church sites in both the Island of Sicily, and the city of Palermo, but he couldn't get his light inexperienced infantry to agree to betray their own religion.Somehow, inexplicably, due to this daring escapade, the church influence in his kingdom fell only a little!

[See The Coptic Wars in the Egypt section].

The Western Roman Empire

Coptic Christian | Civilized | Tech 5
Emperor Honorius died in the year 700, his son Maximus replaced him.
Diplomacy: Gascony [N/E], Aquitaine [N/E]

Emperor Honorius kept himself busy ruling his empire and making babies like a man half his age! This finally caught up to him at the turn of the century at the age of 68, as he expired, in flagrante delicto. His heir, Maximus, returned from Burgundy with his army to a rule Rome, but couldn't decide whether he wanted his brother as his heir or wait until his son was old enough, so he did nothing about it. The navy was built up with forty heavy warships for Prince Claudius and seventy warships for Lord Lucious. Prince Claudius, who by now was getting the nickname of "The Confused", was again was confused about his orders whether to preach or go sink vandal ships, so he too did nothing. Lord Rufous disappeared in Gascony with all the gold he was supposed to use for the diplomacy and wasn't seen again until his body washed up on the shore of the Bay of Biscay. Further distressing news consists of rioting and madness in the streets of Genoa as the crowds paraded around with a stuffed donkey with the Emperor's name on it and shouting " Viva Romanus".

The Empire continued to make investments towards it's future with a large investment in the bureaucracy offices and small investments in it's infrastructure. As Calabria and Languedoc were colonized, twenty field forts were built in Latium to strengthen its defenses.

[See The Coptic Wars in the Egypt section].

The Empire of Ulania

Zoroastrian | Civilized | Tech 4
Emperor Temukin

If Emperor Temukin the Orthodox Slayer had an obsession, it was with the survivors of the Black Rose. They had settled in Bohemia and he considered him a thorn in his side. He made a deal with the Alamanni Kingdom to cut Bohemia in half with the Alamannis getting the North.So the Emperor took his army and invaded Southern Bohemia. The Bohemian King and army met The Emperor in battle and were soundly defeated, with the Bohemian King killed on the battlefield. The Emperor ordered city of Prague sacked and burnt, then he continued on to lay waste the rest of Southern Bohemia losing only five thousand troops in the process.

Within the Empire, a new port city of "Ariana-Gul" in Swabia was built, with a royal road from it connecting it to the Bavarian road network.A small investment was made in infrastructure and in the university. Elsewhere, Lieutenant Norian was left with no orders, and the resulting two year drinking binge left him dead outside a tavern.

The Celtic Church

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Patriarch Oscar
Diplomacy: Trondheim [N/E], Lativia [N/E] , city of Riga [CH], Estonia [AB]

Patriarch Oscar, who was in Ponthieu, had great success with preaching and religious conversion of the heathens there. Elsewhere three of his subordinates passed away of old age, preventing much good work from being done. The Church put a tithe on the Kingdom of Norway that was long overdue. It also continued to be a victim of it's own success as it was out growing it's infrastructure and was plagued by thin government.The Church tried to remedy the situation by investing in its infrastructure, but so far nothing came of it.

The Kingdom of Norway

Celtic Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
King Thor Iversson

King Thor Iversson was a benevolent ruler, who continued to ensure that his kingdom had many potential heirs, but his wife blessed him with only one healthy son. Within his kingdom cultivation projects in both Mordalan and Agder were finished and food production took a leap forward. Distressing news reached the King of Lord Wulfgar's passing - he died at age 46 of heart failure leaving his troops leaderless in Trondheim. Additional distressing news concerned missionaries sent to both Narvik and Svartsen:- they failed so miserably that they set the religious conversion of the heathens there back by several centuries.


Mercenaries: for North, Central, & South America

North AmerindMerc Commander M543, 3i, 3xi, 3s, 3w
Pelegian ChristianMerc Commander M543, 4i, 4xi, 4c, 4s, 4w
South AmerindMerc Commander M543, 2i, 2xi, 2s, 2w
PiratesJose M95A,
Merc Commander M543, 5hw, 10w, 5xw, 10i

The Iroquois People

North Amerind | Barbarian | Tech 2
Chief Greystag

Chief Greystag decided he wanted to know how many people were in his nation.So, he proclaimed a census would be done of his nation. He also had a new port city built in Mohawk called Manahattoes. In addition public works were improved in the region of Cayusa. A religious operation was completed that lowered the religious strength of the Iroquois People, although many thought they should be raising it instead.

The Dakota Nation

North Amerind | Nomadic | Tech 2
Chief Wild Eagle

Chief Wild Eagle continued to rule his nation well.He promoted one of his sons to prince when he turned fifteen in the year 700. The nation's infrastructure expanded as the nation continued to grow, and the government changed from a feudal monarchy to a centralized monarchy to handle the increased size.A small investment was made in the infrastructure and the university and a very small investment in the bureaucracy offices. Wilderness Voices continued to gather more followers in the region of Dakota, as Chief Wild Eagle did nothing against the Heretic religion that advocated animal sacrifices.

The Mississippi Federation

Pelegian Christian | Civilized | Tech 4
Chief Running Moose

Chief Running Moose governed his federation and made Ten Bears his new heir with the approval of his council of elders. Spotted eagle was sent to explore the Florida Strait and came back with rutters and maps of the sea zone. The region of Sargarmon was colonized with undesirables from the homeland and public works were built for the region of Kashinapo. A very small investment was made in the university and infrastructure and many others even smaller that were not worth mentioning. Finally, the federation gained a religious operation with which to spread the faith.

The Yamasee Nation

North Amerind | Barbarian | Tech 3
Chief Ancient Oak
Diplomacy:Catawba [C] , city of Carolina [F] , Timuca [F] , Santua [F]

Chief Ancient Oak ordered further expansion of his nation by colonizing a couple of regions and building a new city and postal road.

Open for a player....

The Yokut Federation

North Amerind | Barbarian | Tech 3
Chief Hatawin
Diplomacy:City of Chaco [F]

Chief Hatawin ruled quite impressively, and he was happy that his twin sons had finally reached manhood.The eldest of the twins, by a few minutes, was named his new heir and his younger brother was promoted to prince. This caused much rejoicing throughout the nation. Old Gutayai passed away after 77 winters while he was on a diplomatic mission to Cahaco. Luckily for the Federation Lantaya picked up the slack and Cahaco became friendly. Improvements continued to be made with medium sized investments in the university and a small investment in the infrastructure and bureaucracy offices. In addition public works were improved in Anasazi, and more gold and manpower were funneled into the Okmulgee cultivation project which had many complaining about it using too many resources. Two expensive road projects were finally finished one going from Anasazi to Hohokam and another from Anasazi to Tiwa.A funny thing happened to leader Tearo; he was given orders to explore but he wasn't given any ships to explore with (see rules above). Many saw a meteor arcing across the sky heading to the East over the ocean and beyond, and more than one wise man thought it would strike the ground.


The Kingdom of Merovongians

Nordic Orthodox Christian | Barbarian | Tech 4
King Barrett

King Barrett's overhaul continued to make the kingdom more respectable.

Open for a player...

The Empire of the Aztecs

Pelegian Christian | Barbarian | Tech 3
Emperor Pryzaka

Emperor Pryzaka lorded over his Empire; on one hand he had his leaders spread throughout the empire preaching about the white man's religion of the Holy Pelegian Church with varying degrees of success. On the other hand he had his agents swarm throughout the valley of Mexico searching for the cult that was rumored to be there, but to no avail.The region of Popoluca was re-cultivated to repair the damage done by the volcano. Also within the Valley of Mexico the regions Huexoha and Tlapacoya were colonized, while public works were improved Culhua. A few minor investments were made in warships, siege work, cavalry, infrastructure, and Intel bonus. Last but not least, the Emperor made the son from his first wife his heir to his Empire and the son from his second wife a prince of the royal court.Missionaries were quite busy in three regions expanding the ranks of the faithful.

The Holy Pelegian Church

Pelegian Christian | Barbarian | Tech 4
Patriarch Fynbar ap Aran
Diplomacy: Zapotec [MN], Chitimacha [N/E]

Patriarch Fynbar ap Aran, with holy zeal, established a monastery Zapotec, while Bishop Erwan ap Finn traveled to Chitimacha to preach to the masses and establish a church there. Although he was killed by a band of heathens during a mass in the countryside, their missionaries had found surprising success there amongst the violence. The Church continued to invest in the bureaucracy offices and in the university. Those offices increased in size along with the Intel, assassin and the religious ops.

The Albion Empire

Pelegian Christian | Seafaring | Tech 4
Emperor Gareth ap Grania ac Mian
Diplomacy:City of Anza [-UN], Chitimacha [F], city of Ayoel [A], Boruca [N/E]

Emperor Gareth ap Grania ac Mian ruled the Empire while his heir administered it.He ordered some public works built within his homeland while investments were made to warship technology and infrastructure.This caused the infrastructure to increase but it still needed to increase some more as the Empire continued to grow.A new port city was ordered in Catawba but the resources to build it were left on the docks, And speaking of the docks, brilliant young Admiral Taranis had a mishap on the docks, falling into the bay and drowning, for he never had learned how to swim.Missionaries gained followers in Chitimacha, but lost followers in Mescalero.

The Empire of the Huari

South Amerind | Barbarian | Tech 3
Emperor Juan Valdez

Under Emperor Juan Valdez's rule the Empire continued to improve, the region of Chimu was cultivated and a new royal road was built from Nazca to Moquequa. An age of exploration began as three leaders explored new sea zones to the North and as well as the South, and even some pirates were hired to help. Some twenty new warships were built at Maranga harbor for leader Anoki, he took the ships out on a shakedown cruise, but caught some kind of sea sickness and died as the ships were returning to the harbor. A colossal investment (of the size the new world has never seen before) was made in the infrastructure that quickly bore fruit.

The Amazons

South Amerind | PreColumbian | Tech 2
Chief Icaru

Chief Icaru was lord and ruler of his jungle; as his son and heir administered to the government's needs. The Chief promoted his next eldest son to prince upon his rite of passage to manhood.Within the jungle kingdom a few public works were built in the region of Mekaranoti, while missionaries were sent to the region of Tapayos and they worked hard to increase the ranks of the faithful.That caused Morroc, of Tapayos, to become quite irritated; he had increased the number of his heretic followers, only to see some of his people return to the old ways.

Copyright © 2004 Lords 27
Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
Last modified: $Date: 2005/04/25 16:31:31 $