Central and South Asia

MERC TROOPS: 15MC, 15MI, 25MS, 13MW, 15MT

MERC AQRS: C04, S04, I04, W02

MERC LEADERS: Shalbeb M767


Empire of the Lower Ganges (Palas)

Kanamori, Guardian of the Ganges, Divine Wrath of Kali

DIPLOMACY: Chela (nt)

Kanamori started building a replica of the great wall along the border of Maghada. And he continued the building of defenses in his cities. He sent his friend from Samatata to visit the neighboring regions to be friendly, unfortunatly his friend died in an rockslide on his way there. And the Guardian was happy when his sixth child was born. He also worked with his armies to make sure they are ready for any invasion. Dharawande was planning a large ceremony when he officially took over command of the navy, but he died of old age before this could happen. Good news is that both great leaders had been training underlings to take their positions, and they continued with the missions without a hitch.

Xanthi Empire of Xanadu

Palpatyn III, Grand Poobah of the Xanthi Zieterund,

DIPLOMACY: Pawar (a), Dahala (f)

Palpatyn III had taken lessons from his father and built a new city in Pawar. He also continued the expansion of his army in and around his homeland. Postal Roads were planned and constructed around the kingdom. Children were the next on his list, and he had two more, bringing the total to eight. Xarxis was very happily married and he happily died in bed in the same year. Vador married into the Royal family by marrying the kings daughter Mikal.


The Indus Valley Kingdom

Mehmet, Mansurashah, Protector of the Indus


Missionaries were again sent around the world to convert the people to the national religion, meeting with some success. A new city was built by royal funds in Surashtra. the army was centralized and put into one command with the intent on defending the Kingdom against invaders. Royal roads again were planned and started.


The Chola Mandalam

Tu Wei, Mandala Chola


No orders were received. Is it hot over here during Monsoon season.


The Polovot Horde

Ashnod, Cossackhan


The Horde continued it's recruitment of an army, but when you get too many leaders in one place something bad is going to happen. they started feuding among themselves and eventually broke up to go their own ways, therefore eliminating the Horde as a threat.




MERC TROOPS: 10MC, 8MI, 11MS, 16MW, 17MT

MERC AQRS: C03, S02, I03, W04

MERC LEADERS: Kotowari Haisen M896



The Khitan Horde

Mogwai, Thunder Lord

Diplomacy: Horde

Mogwai led his people around the steps of upper Asia firming ties with many different bands of nomads. Hoping to find people hip to his cause, he spent much time making friends. Ending his reign in Urkel, Mogwai laid down in peace and died happily. His Heir took control of the horde with no arguments from the people, and then planned and organized the movements of the future.


United States of Asia (JIHPEN)

Yoofu Tamagoro, Ditooryoo Nihonjin, President of Japan

DIPLOMACY: Silla (nt), Cheju Do (nt)

President Yoofu stayed at the office late and finished some much needed paperwork. He spent most of his time ruling and making judgements for the betterment of his people. He sent his leaders to sweet talk his neighbors into signing a peace accord with him. Silla and Cheju Do, agreed to something.


The Ch’in Kingdom

Che The, Divine Overlord of the Middle-Kingdom


Many cities were improved to accomodate the growing population of the great lands. Also, leader of Hwai was wood into security with the kingdom, and promised much. Trade routes were secured and rerouted. And Che The spent alot of time with his children in the palace.

The Honan Chinese Kingdom

Mao Ling, Supreme Monarch of Pieching

DIPLOMACY: Hsuing-nu (f)

Organizing and spending money was the chief concern of the Supreme Monarch. He spent the government funds evenly accross the boards improving defenses and welfare all at once. He even spent money subsidizing education. Mao Ling sent his son to Hsuing’nu to improve relations. He had two of the nations best diplomats come along also. Upon arriving, Mao Cheng promptly showed the leader of the region plans to build a city, which was started immediatly. Overcome by all of the ceromony and big people wu’ing him, the prince of the region quickly gave in and ordered the region to give anything the Supreme Monarch wanted, and the people were happy.


Bacphan Zhuangzu

Mao Liu Ven, Overlord of South China


No orders were received.


The Shensi Chinease Kingdom

Cheng Ping, King of China

DIPLOMACY: Kensu (c)

Cheng spent some money on improving the size of his cities, but most of his time was spent in reorganizing very badly disciplined merchant fleets. He sent the princess into an administrative school to better learn the art of ruling. He then travelled to Kansu for a talk with the people, explaining the benefits of joining the kingdom.


The Incredibly Peaceful Celestial Kingdom of the Jade Buddha

Singh Hao "the Generous", 4th Incarnation of the Blessed Jade Buddha, Light on the Path to Nirvana, Illuminator of the Human Soul, Thinker of Deep Thoughts, Mayor Shangri-La


The Dalai Lama sent about the missonaries of his religion and spread the word of faith to the unprotected of the world. Sending an emmissary to the land of Palas to preach his word, he was received with hesitation.



South East Asia and the Pacific Rim

MERC TROOPS: 19MC, 20MI, 20MS, 25MW, 10MT

MERC AQRS: C03,S04,I03,W03

MERC LEADERS: Korash Sharana M846


The United Monoarchy of the Avans

Anisakan II, the Celestial, Virtuous, and Benignant King Anisakan, Monarch of all Burmese People, Munificent Potentate of Pegu, Dispenser of all Avan Goodness and Benevolence

DIPLOMACY: Manipur (nt), Surin (nt), Siam (ea)

Relations among the people improved with the addition of the region Manipur to the kingdom. He also raised three cities to new heights and built a new city in Siam named Bangkok. Meanwhile his troops raided his neighbors for slaves to help build the great nation.


The Javan Federation

Cankuang, President Sirivjavan


The islands started to sink to eveyone’s amazement. No orders were turned in.


The Maaori Seahold

Tazo, Son of Sea and Sky


Tazo was much hurried with family events to have time to run his country. He did take some time out to improve living conditions in the capital, or where he was currently living.


The Katoomba Riders

Yamma Lamma, Chief He’e Nalu-sen


Planned for the expansion of the kingdom and spent some money and time improving the economy. But otherwise was very peaceful.



The Middle East


MERC AQRS: C02, S03, I04, W04

MERC LEADERS: Pireheram M965


Imam Muslim

Shefah, Siadat Kuran, "The Visionary"


Shefah sent his followers out upon the world with a message. "Be fruitful and Multiply." And they did. His message for the year was that anyone giving aid to the Hordes was to be excommunicated. Muslim's must not help the destruction of the Holy Land.

The Abbasid Caliphate

Mahtaub, Kaliphat Rasul Allah

DIPLOMACY: Crete (f)

A tough decision beheld the Great Mahtaub, the prince of the kingdom was killed in a diving accident, and he now had to choose one from his many sons to follow in the prince's footsteps. The leader of Crete, where the Prince was vacationing, being married to daughter of the Kaliphat, pledged his support all the same. Other than the personal business, Mahtaub expanded some cities and organized his troops to defend the Great city of Baghdad.


The Mahmud Chazni Persian Kingdom

Ghaseb Pesar, Sahib, Kophatshah


No orders were received. (Again) Sign posted in the town square "Need Player, Will Travel."



East Europe


MERC AQRS: I03, C03, S03, W03



Principate of Kiev Rus

Vladimir, Grand Prince of Kiev

DIPLOMACY: Muscovy (a), Seversk (a), Smolensk (a), Lithuania (t), Daugavia (fa)

After straightening his empire out, Vladimir ruled from the capitol. He married his Son Peter, to the princess of Lithuania firming up an alliance with the region. His leaders travelled to Daugavia to discuss politics, ending with the region owing alliegance to the Grand Prince. He also sent his young leftenant Atelzuko out raiding to gather some much needed slaves.


The Byzantine Roman Empire

Leo, Roman Emporer of the East


After watching the horde for a few years, Leo decided it was safe to build. And build he did. Raiding the imperial treasury, he expended huge sums of money expanding the cities of Athinai, Troy, and Colchis. Public works was also a priority with money being spent on improving the city economy of Thessaloniki. Finally, Leo constructed The Emporer's Shield, a huge Great Wall studded with forts stretching from the Agean Sea all the way to the Black Sea.

Leo also assigned the command of the Western Field army to his son Justin and returned home.

Justin took control of the huge force and started organizing his troops and looking tough.

Kingdom of Russia

High Lord Vostov Borislov, the Wanderer, King of Russia


No orders were received.


The Polish Kingdom

Bram Brodzinski, King of Poland

DIPLOMACY: Austria (fa), Bochnia (a), Bohemia (t), Franconia (f), Little Poland (ea), Moravia (t), Pomern (fa), Thuringia (t), Bavaria (c)

The King of Poland realizingthe horde was not going to stop in his regions set about gaining alliances among his nobels. He travelled to Little Poland where he married his oldest daughter to the leading nobel. He spent a little time hunting then returned to the palace to rule. The King hired the merc leader to help run his large kingdom, and gained friends in Pomern and Bavaria, which the Kingdom of Lombardy had just evicted itself from.

Meanwhile his heir married the daughter of the nobel of Franconia and naming him the Price of Poland, firming an alliegance with that region. He then travelled to Moravia to brownnose the nobels there and finally returning to the palace to have children and help administer the kingdom.

Kucha Horde

Jasmir, Kucha Khan, "The Black Demon"


With the death of "The Black Demon", his son Jasmir came to power. Many nobels among the nomads didn't like this and internal bickering grew to enourmous levels. They spent many years arguing about which direction to go, eventually doing nothin. \

No orders were received.



West Europe


MERC AQRS: C02, S03, I05, W04



The Roman Catholic Papacy

Innocent V, Il Papa, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Christ, many, many, more……


The vatican went silent with news of the Pope's illness. It seems that at age 77 he contracted a a rare version of an english flu that immobilized him, and after many months took his life. The council of bishops held a conference for a year to determine his successor. The Bishop of Milan was then named Innocent V, the new Vicar of Christ. Innocent spent the rest of the year organizing his organization to fit his style.


The Kingdom of Sussex England

Edward II Saxon King of England


No orders were received.


"Kingdom of Turquis" (France)

Sengir, King of Turquis, Champion of the true faith

Diplomacy: Ile de France (f), Nivernais (f), Vermandois (f), Lorraine (fa), Flanders (fa), Hainut (nt), Brabant (fa)

Sengir wasted no time in organizing his new kingdom, settling his nomadic tribe in the regions of Vermandois, Nivernais, and Ile de France. Quickly hiring the mercs to defend his nation against anyone who thought he should not rule the kingdom. He found the royal library and spent many days reading about the french people who he now ruled. He also ordered the construction of a Royal Road from Ile de France to Nivernais.

His leaders travelled the conquered kingdom and spent alot of time discussing the future with neighboring regions. Lorraine and Flanders saw the light and signed peace agreements with the new king. Meanwhile his army got restive sitting around the new city and were sent on a mission to Provence and Languedoc to remove any rebel opposition. Both regions becoming parts of the new lands.

The Danish Kingdom

Kolbyr Swanson, Rex Danmark


Seeing that the hordes wern't moving, Kolbyr built the city Lillehammer in Agder. He also reorganized his troops and reworked his defenses. The trade routes were also redone and more money started to flow into his capital. His leaders remained in the capital to shore up the defenses in case the horde did move.


The Lombard Kingdom of Italy

Luigi D’ Orsini, Rex Sognari

DIPLOMACY: Switzerland (fa), Corsica (t)

Luigi at the age of 71 could not sit around and become and old man, he turned a diplomatic trip to Switzerland into a vacation, meanwhile convincing the people of the region that he really was worth becoming good friends with. Luigi sent his daughter along withVictor to the island of Corsica to marry the leader of the region, firming up alliances with the isle. Unfortunatly Victor was killed while horseback riding.

The cities of Gerace and Milan were also increased to handle the growth of population, this greatly improved relations with the new pope. A small trade delegation was sent to the new Kingdom of Turquis to test the trade waters. Completion of a postal road between Milan and Liguria was also completed.


Grand Duchy of Verona

Jesus Maquina, Grand Duke of Verona, Defender of Italy, Chosen of Christ, Sheperd of the Faithful


No orders were received.


Ummayad Caliphat Al Cordoba

Achmed Nasir, Caliph al Cordoba, Infidel’s Bane


The Royal Roads of Cordoba were expanded and enlarged to accompany the increase in kingdom traffic and to help move troops to the front. And forts were built in a key locations for the defense. The King was in mourning when his brother Hafez died unexpectedly at the young age of 25. He spent the remaining years ruling with a heavy heart.

Meanwhile the rest of his kingdom organized and built defenses for the oncoming horde that was expected to invade. False alarms were raised to keep the troops and population in readiness, but no horde came.


Kingdom of Eire

Cedric, Defender of the Cross

DIPLOMACY: Hebrides (nt), Connaught (f)

The kingdom of Eire spent a year in a minor potato shortage, but the King, Cedric, led them through the trouble and gained influence among his people. He then set about to Hebrides to see the people and donate food, who then became a greater part of his kingdom. After which he left for Connaught with his small contingent. He arrived during local games and was invited to play. The stake of the region depended on him to beat the local leader in Rock. After many throws, Cedric bested the leader, and the leader then promised the lands to be faithful to the Defender of the Cross.



The America's


MERC AQRS: S04, I05, W03



The Aztec Empire

Ometepec, God-Emporer, Divine Ruler of Mexico

DIPLOMACY: Cuyutec (nt)

Ometepec named his first son as the rightful Heir to the Empire. He added housing and generally expanded a few of the largest cities in the known world. He also sent secret agents around the empire to root out the evil conspirators that started the heresy. Finding none, he just grabbed a few people and had them sacrificied. (Aztecs do that...)


The Mayan Astronomers

Ah Cacao, Priest-King of the Yucatan


No orders turned in, but I'm sure something bad happened here. Ahhhh.. Cacao....


Quiro Mapuche

Alyton, the Chosen


No orders here either. I wonder if the same bad thing happened here too. Boy, is Alyton getting old.


The Andean Incan Empire

Sinchi Roca, Emporer of the Heavens

DIPLOMACY: Queya (f)

Emporer Sinchi Roca proclaimed that his brother, Anapa, will be Heir to the Empire. He then rules with Anapa, teaching him the finer arts of ruling. The workers of the Empire continued to build roads and raise cities. Expanding public housing projects and hiring more cops we also on the Emporer's list. He sent a emissary to Queya to enlist support or force compliance, which wasn't needed.



Arikara, Chief Executive of the High Desert


Arikara organized his leaders into his capital and planned the future of the Nation. He built a new city "Dzilth Na O Dith Hle In", which if I translate ok, means the "Gm has no clue." He also spent much money and time eradicating the rats from his food supplies. Not to mention ordering an addition to the learning center.

Bad news slowed the empire down as The Speaker was found dead the day before he was to start a very important mission for the Chief Executive.


The Sonoma Kingdom

Striking Wolf, King of Sonoma


Kind harted Striking Wolf found happiness among his people with the equal distribution of the entire surplus of food. As a result, the population grew like it never has before, and almost all of his cities had to be expanded to hold the people. His first son, just back from a five year fishing trip was given the key to the kingdom as the Heir to the throne.


The Iroquois Nation

Talon, Prime Chief of the Council


King Talon advised the council to expand the tribal cities and help with governing the people. He also authorized and expedition north around the big mouth to explore. His leader, Thunderhead returned with news of many lands and great riches beyond. Thunderbolt was called a story teller by many.





MERC TROOPS: 19MC, 10MI, 4MS, 10MW, 15MT

MERC AQRS: C02, S03, I04, W03

MERC LEADERS: Rayshey M694



The Caliphate AL Moravid

Caliph Siddig Al Farrd, "Zaban Nogreh", Lord of the Rif, Lon of Morocco, Sword of the prophet


During the second moon, the Caliph Yusif was attacked and killed outside his bedroom by a group of masked bandits. The group of bandits were seen by only one person, Siddig, his son. Siddig reported this to the kingdom, in which the response was that he should rule. Siddig grinned at this, and moved into the royal palace. Hmm...... Sound fishy. Anyway, Siddig had learned the ways of ruling from his father and began to reconstruct the great empire. Spending alot of money on improving working conditions and raising the minimum wage. He also built the new city Tlemcen in Zirid.

The Fatamid Empire

Montiqit Amal, Guardian of the Holy Places, Emperor of Egypt.


Having children has been on the mind of Amal since he was old enough to ..... Anyway his wife gave birth to two more children raising his total to eleven (that survived).

He finally promoted two of his sons to prominent positions in the kingdom. He also spent quite a bit of cash on improving the nation, mostly in the way of improving living conditions.

A few members of the cult of Nizaris Hashshashin was discovered and hanged as they were caught taking moeny from a priest in the region of Syria. No other ties to the cult were found.


The Songhai Herdsmen

Osei Kersil


Africa is a good place for having children as Osei also had three more children, raising his total to thirteen, outdoing the great Fatamid empire in number of heirs. He also had the leader in Gambia sign another peace accord ro improve relations and donte money to the kingdom. He spent some time rearranging his trade routes.


The Kingdom of Tchad

Yambuku, King of the Dead, Omar Kanembu


The king who really likes roads, built some more. A Royal road and a postal road from various places to various places, he should really like trains then. He built up the cities of Zaria and Tillaberi, and added a few more fisherman to employed status. Everything else was quiet and normal.

He did subsidize some research into the Tse-Tse fly.


Kingdom of Nigeria

Mututwa, King of Benin, Brightspear


No orders were received.


The Painted Wolf Tribes (Zimbabwe)

Chunkalor, Shaka Zulu


No orders were received.