LORDS OF THE EARTH ~ Rebirth ~ Game IV Turn #54 1370 Anno Domini
Quote of the Month: Quote? I got yer quote, right here!

Very Important Schtuff From the TOP:

RULES STUFF: We're using the 5.6 version of the rules.

The music I listened to while processing these results can be downloaded from

and such are on the web at http://www.throneworld.com/lords/lote04


North ASIA

Mercs: 18mc (aqr5), 4mi (aqr4), 1ms (aqr4), 1mw (aqr4), 1mt.
Merc Leader: None

The Kingdom of Bei Song
Timur, King of Bei Song, Explorer of the Northern Lands
Diplomacy: None

The Empire of Nippon
Takeda Ishida, Shogun of Nippon
Diplomacy: None
     Takeda Ishida managed the affairs of state while his subordinates skulked around the Empire. Once again, the black robed men were unable to heist the Bei Song treasury. Kumamoto, Nagoya, Aomori, Edo, Kochi were expanded, and public works were erected. The merchants were happy to hear about the redistributions in shipping that Takeda commanded.

The Kin Empire
Hsiu Kamatari, Emperor of Korea, Prince of Silla, Protector of Northern China
Diplomacy: None
     Hsui personally conducted the census in 1366. His wife died during childbirth the following year. He also found that without advertisements, his court priests are completely ineffective when they found their work among the people had the opposite effect, turning the people towards gnosticsm. Royal roads stretched throughout the realm and many cities expanded.

The Chin Chinese Empire
Hsi Jin, Emperor of the Middle Kingdom, Master of the World
Diplomacy: Lingsi(nt)
     Dao Bai was a putz as an administrator. Massive ammounts of public works were built in Szechwan, Chiennan and Hubei. Prince Li died in 1369, his brother Tri Liang became heir after causing a scandel when it was discovered that his royal apartments where much larger than the normal sumptous fare. He claimed that the money spent on the census was actually to fund his many, shall we say, hobbies... He gained another sister in 1366. The Chin are now officially a clan and NOT a caste. Got that?

The Celestial Realm of Buddha
Wu Tai, The Robed Wise Man
Diplomacy: None
     Wu Tai continued his pilgrimage in the new Holy City of Chang'Ling and his cathedral in Hupei.

South East ASIA

Mercs: 1mc (aqr5), 12mi (aqr5), 1ms (aqr3), 7mw (aqr3), 1mt
Merc Leader: None

The Khemer Empire of Kambuja
Di Main, Emperor of the Khemers, Cloak of the Buddha, Mask of Hidden Glory, Master of the Lotus Throne
Diplomacy: None
     The tax problems mounted in Di Main's empire as the aging emperor saw Champa, Tun Son Nha, Hmong, Johor, Nampung, and Preikuk drop to allied status.

The Khemer Empire of Burma
Ah Shan, Emperor of the Khemers
Diplomacy: None
     Ah Shan's problems continued when Hainan and Laos, cut off in the previous year, finally revolted outright. This had the effect of leveling out the tax situation, so he was heard to say "It's all good!"

The Island Kingdom of Java
Adrissa III, King of Java, Master of the Spice Isles
Diplomacy: None
     Soerbaya, Sunda, and Sirivjaya expanded again. Adrisa II died in his sleep, or apparently did. A couple days into his normal meditations a court functionary noticed a funny smell coming from his chambers - it was Adrisa. The young Adrissa III took the throne later in 1370.

The Indian Ocean Basin

Mercs: 0mc (aqr5), 0mi (aqr5), 0ms (aqr5), 2mw (aqr4), 1mt
MercLeader: None

The Chola Mandalam Empire
Remesevka I, Chola Emperor of Mandalam, the Left hand of Vishnu
Diplomacy: Jihjhoti(F)
     21 cities upgraded again, although Kalanjara wanted to do it twice. Remesevka banned the construction of holy sites without his express consent then looked towards the heavens and thought "I didn't build walls around my cities, but how will anyone know, unless the foul gods tell them". The anti-Vishnu statements lead many people to fear curses and pestilence would befall their erstwhile prosperous communities.
     Merchants on Kutch Island have been making very secular noises...

The Hindu Primacy
Niraj Pdesh, Blessed by the One's whom follow the path
Diplomacy: None
     No Orders

The Kingdom of Sirinigar
Radah Singh, King of Sirinigar
Diplomacy: None
     Chitor and Gujerat dropped to allied.

The Mid East

Mercs (Islamic): 8mc (aqr9), 14mi (aqr8), 8mw (aqr8), 5mt
Merc Leader: None

The Khanate of Scythia
Ali ar-Rahani, Khan of the Scythians, Lord of Afghanistan
Diplomacy: Tabaristan(f)
     Samir ar-Rhani took a wife in Tabaristan with the blessings of the esteemed Imam Khemeni himself.

The Emirate of Turkman
Umman al-Maues, Shah of Bukhara, Emir of Merv
Diplomacy: None
     The Shah completed the projects of turning his nation from Slave traders to Freedom lovers, and from the tribal clans to an Open society.      No Orders

The Safavid Empire of Basra
Nur'al-Din ibn Sali, Shah of Baghdad, Spokesman of God, Chosen of Allah, Guide of the Faithful, Most Learned of the Holy
Diplomacy: Diyala(c) Media(c)
     Nur'al-Din tries to begin rebuilding Baghdad yet again. Some of Majid's road projects are finally realized and an attempt is made to re-integrate some of the regions which left the fold. Many wait to respond to the traitor Abbas' next move.

The Madragian Caliphate of Aleppo
Abbas Al-Madrag The Cunning, Caliph of Aleppo, Chosen of Allah
Diplomacy: Syria(c) Palmyra(AW) Carhae(AW)
     Abbas noticed a contingency of Egyptians entering Syria. Evidently it was a diplomatic envoy which turned tail when Abbas growled. Palmyra made the unfortunate mistake of not accepting Abbas's offers and so was punished - it dealt Abbas a 4500 man blow before the leader of the forces was cut in two. Carhae made the same mistake - it certainly wasn't because Abbas wasn't a likeable guy, no. No one would say that... to his face <shudder>
     The Caliph of Aleppo is a peaceful man. We want only peace with our neighbors, and to work with our brethren for the advancement of all of us. Aleppo is our home. Because of this, we consider the surrounding territories (Lebanon, Syria, Palmyra, Carhae, Edessa, Cappadocia, and Cilicia) to be under our sphere of influence. We understand that some of these regions (Cilicia) are claimed by other empires, and we will work out our differences peacefully. I re-emphasize: we will work out our differences peacefully. The other regions, however, we consider to be ours. We are a peaceful people, and we will work for peace - but if any of our neighbors should attempt non-peaceful means to infringe upon our sovereignty or sphere of influence, they had better be prepared to suffer the consequences. We are prepared and willing to defend our sovereignty and we will do so with brutality if need be. We look forward to peaceful relations with our neighbors. This has been a public service announcement.
     Back home, Salud al-Hajj Sadadi counted heads even poked around in dens looking for trouble. Another leader joined the ranks.

The Holy Imam of All Islam
Imam Khemeni, the Highest Follower of Al'lah
Diplomacy: Amman(CH) Selucia(ab)
     Iman Omar conducted a whirlwind tour of the western reaches of the Primacy, he was only effective in Amman. Khemeni is considering other uses for Omar's, shall we say, remains...      Khallikan was more effective in The Grand Mosque of El'qahira where by his good looks alone he was able to keep the Nile Valley mosques from falling into disrepair.

The Rawadid Emirate of Anatolia
Khalid II of Anatolia
Diplomacy: None
     Kalam Al-Wadi died in 1369, just 1 year before Khalid's son was to take the throne. Leiutenant Khataan was loyal to Khalid and protected the twins until they gained their majority, and large inheritance. Unfortunately, Lydia, Pamphyla, Phrygia and Vaspurakan took the opportunity to claim their independence. Relations with the rest of the country are now strained and all trade has been cut.

The Mamluke Sultanate of Egypt
Majid ibn Mohammad, Sultan of Egypt, Ruler of the Upper and Lower Nile, Defender of the Holy Land, Master of the Seven Seas, Sword of Allah, Invincible Overlord of the Mamluke Empire
Diplomacy: Hijaz(fa) Tangiers(t)
     Ahmet died of severe stomach cramps as the treaty agreements ink was drying in Tangiers. Uzayr retreated from Sryia when he saw Abbas's 100,000 men. In other news, Majid's government moved further on the road to its prior glory.

The Sultanate of Sheba
Dauad ibn Metmet, Sultan of Sheba, Patriarch of Islam
Diplomacy: None

The Coptic Kingdom of Aksum
Tobin IV, King of Aksum, Negus Negesti, Lord of the Coptic Wilderness, Lion of Judah
Diplomacy: Socotra(nt)
     Tobin's priests found their work had an opposite effect when the nation seemed to turn away from their beliefs enmass. Tobin V's wife died in early 1366. Brynn completed the missionary work in Ain'Farah.

The Coptic Prelate
Arch Prelate Zardoz the First, Shepard of the Flock, Lord of Hosts, Keeper of the Holy Relic
Diplomacy: Brynn(ch) Kilwa(ch) Beigi(ch) Jami(ch) Adulis(ab) Adal(ch) Tutsu(ab) Ari(ab) Atweu(ab) Dongola(ab) Tobin(ab)
     Somebody stop me!

The Darkest Africa

Mercs: 6mc (aqr4), 10mi (aqr4), 2ms (aqr4), 32mw (aqr4), 2mt
Merc Leader: None
South African Cav Count: 20 years

The Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe
K'ror, King of Sofala, Master of the City of Round Towers
     Mardab, who has been moping around the palace, was given an impi of spearmen to command and marched north to reconquer the difficult tribesmen of Melela, entering Luanglua so that he wouldn't be attacking across the river. He pacified them quickly.
     K'ror once again ruled, moving the court to Pebane in Gorongo. Zimbabwe, Kinsasha, Kilwa, and Shona revolted, not having heard from the Round Towered ones in a while. Due to his expert handling of the Melelans, K'ror appointed Mardab as his Heir and more towers were built, still not high enough though.

The Republic of Venice
Emiliano Badoglio, Doge of New Venice
Diplomacy: None
     Mauritus, Lesthoso, and Namaqua revolted. Finally, Emiliano's fleet sailed off due to lack of payment.
     No Orders

The Kanem-Bornu Confederation
Ali al Uthmani II, Supreme Chief of the KBC
Diplomacy: None

The Arguin Directorate of Ghana
Masak ibn Alekr, Arguin Director of Ghana, Protector of Kumbi-Salem, Conqueror of Timbuktu
Diplomacy: None
     Masak and his heir simply set themselves up to administrate, which wasn't what the sprawling nation needed. A strong ruler was needed and the bureacracy couldn't handle all the work, even with all the extra manpower Masak gave them. Arauane, Akan, Ife, Kurfei, Mauritania, Wadan, and Walata revolted.

The Almohad Emirate of Morocco
Sayid ibn Mustafa, Emir of Morroco
Diplomacy: None
     Sayid saw Bir-el-khazaim and Terhazza fall away, though it would have been many more if he weren't ruling, but then again, would he have seen them?


Mercs: 22mc (aqr10), 10mi (aqr10), 1ms (aqr10), 10mw (aqr8), 2mt
Merc Leader: None

The Kingdom of Aragon
Catherine I, Queen of Aragon, Restorer of the Faith
Diplomacy: None
     Sarinia decided to stay home, rule and attempt to have children... Yup. You guessed it. She died during childbirth in 1366. Sarinia's daughter Catherine was 15, but her aunt, Sarinia's younger sister Maria felt that she should be next in line. Asok revolted and was soon captured. His body hangs above Saragossa as a good intern's should. But Maria escaped to the south with some booty and a few loyal men...

The Kingdom of Andalusia
Maria I, Queen of Aragon
Diplomacy: None
     Maria created a new kingdom out of the remains of her sister's mess, vowing to set things right.

The Roman Catholic Church
John Mark III, Bishop of Rome, Pontiff of the Apostolic & Reformist Catholic Church, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Servant of the Servants of God
Diplomacy: None
     Little birdies wispered in John's ear one Irish spring morning of cultic activities. A church in Derry was bombed. In the greater scheme of things, apparently influence over Greater Britannia was in question as this led to protests in the streets of Doneigh. Something about a ban on white socks in the North West by people with foam rubber Ms on their head.
     In other news, the General Secretary had some amount of success converting the populace of Talavera. Another Bishop was sent to both Britannia and the HRE and more scribes can be sent out now, too.

The Kingdom of Greater Britannia
Richard II, King of Greater Britannia, Grand Duke of Flanders, Keeper of the Irish Talisman of Faith
Diplomacy: Gascony(F)
     Richard ruled until his death in 1369. Prince Richard took the throne. Noting the upheaval in Aragon, sends his best wishes to his sister Maria in Andalusia. Prince Henry sired a daughter in 1366. Warships and Seige tech improved.

The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
Henry, King of Bavaria, Kaiser of the German Reich, Roman Emperor of the West
Diplomacy: Switzerland(still friendly)
     Henry handed the city of Phoebus on Crete to the Byzantium Empire in lieu of other promises of expansion. Cities were increased, public works expanded. In several cities Henry attempted to STUFF public works in, the money just flowed into various contractor's hands, never to be seen again. The new city of St. Omar was built in Lorraine. Gaurds were posted around the royal vaults to keep prying eyes away. Baron Shwerien continued to diplomacize Switzerland till the day his liver burst. Bishop, Ludwig, Jobst and Prien all had an adverse effect on the great job the king was doing ruling. Luckily, the government expanded.

The Avar Kingdom of Hungary
Nikolai I, Khan of the Avars, Lord of the Steppe
Diplomacy: None

Kingdom of Poland
Diplomacy: None
     Wladeslaw is now on par with the Hungarians.

The Kalmar Republic
Jarl Thyrsson, Altkansler of the Kalmar Senate
Diplomacy: None
     Once again, Jarl played out his reality distortion field, convincing the kingdom to stay together. Princeps Senats was the only one holding everyone back, reducing Jarl's RDF. Vesposkava and Turku were reduced to a mere claim. The Senate grew wide AND deep. Vadvetjako was cultivated and more colonists were sent to Norbotten to herd reindeer.

The Varangian Empire of Russia
Ivan, Tsar of all the Russias, Kniaz of Vlatim
Diplomacy: None
     A couple leaders went out hunting free masons with no luck. Fredrigrad, Odessa, and Vlatim expanded, the last of which got new plumbing.

The Byzantine Empire
Pollux, Eastern Roman Emperor, Master of the Scholae
Diplomacy: No Effect
     Tirana was built in Epirus, Rijeka in Illyria, and Chaonara in Paphlagonia. Serbia was freed from all obligations to the Byzantine Empire. It's heard that it'll soon be the hotbed of international intrigue. No one died, so operation freak out wasn't initiated. As a matter of fact the government expanded some.

The White Order of Saint Demetrius
Stephan von Seeckt, Grand Master of the White Order
Diplomacy: None
     Levedia, Urkel, Vasi, and the city of Astarkhan threw out their garrisons.

Lords of the Earth Game IV Turn 54 MSI

 # Nation Name                   MSI  ESI Player Name       Phone Number   TV  EMail Address
---Uber Super Powers (sx^6)
 1 Chola Mandalam Empire        494.2  1  Bill Rakowski     410-483-9635 147.7 magic@clark.net
---Super Powers (sx^2)
 2 German Empire                261.9  2  James Walker      505-542-9882 89.0 jhwalkerjr@hotmail.com
 3 Chin Empire of China         233.8 10  David Salter      703-912-6076 31.3 salterdj@aol.com
---Major Powers (sx^1)
 4 Kingdom of Greater Britannia 184.3  6 (Mike Work)        412-441-6159 22.2 shogun+@pitt.edu
 5 Mamaluke Sultanate of Egypt  162.7  5  Warren Bruhn      541-459-8172 22.8 None
 6 Emirate of Turkman           147.2 18 (Phil Baird)       503-232-4880 12.3 phillipbaird@sprintmail.com
 7 Safavid Empire of Basra      146.3  9  Steve Cameron     610-522-9389 21.5 stevegamer@snip.net
 8 Byzantine Empire             141.8  3  Jeffrey Smith     505-525-8271 36.5 kaladan@zianet.com
 9 Kalmar Republic              135.7  4  John Schmid       412-441-6159 31.2 magus@netcom.com
10 Kingdom of Aksum             130.3  8  Charles Hurst     503-653-1178 21.8 charlesh@teleport.com
11 The Kin Empire               120.4 22  Paul Plinton                   17.2 paulf@gear.com
12 Khemer Empire of Kambuja     107.9 11  Dean Patterson                 22.6 
13 Empire of Nippon             108.0 21 (Josh Mehl)        412-922-0289 42.3 mehl+@pitt.edu
---Minor Powers
14 Arguin Directorate of Ghana  103.2 28  Roger Hill None                11.7 rhill20@banet.com
15 Roman Catholic Church         96.5 12  Kurt Fangmeier    773-947-8908 6.5 kfangs@juno.com
16 Almohad Emirate of Morocco    89.3 13  Tom Anderson      562-426-6649 23.2 toma99@idt.net
17 Khanate of Scythia            76.4 15  Roger Truitt      301-947-1322 10.5 rmtruitt@flashcom.net
18 Kingdom of Sirinigar          75.8 16  Open for a Player!              8.5 
19 Island Kingdom of Java        75.0  7 (Gary Riviere)     949-589-9884 24.5 griviere@pacbell.net
20 Varangian Empire of Russia    72.0 19  Jeff Morrison     810-238-6425 13.4 rebel@blclinks.net
21 Kingdom of Andalusia          65.6 25  Open for a Player!             11.7 
22 The Republic of Venice        64.0 35  Open for a Player!             11.9
23 Khemer Empire of Burma        62.3 17  Open for a Player!              9.6 
24 Kingdom of Aragon             60.1 24  Adam John         724-526-5960 14.5 pup200@hotmail.com
25 Sultanate of Sheba            59.1 23  Ed Allen          213-550-8859  9.1  tgroove@earthlink.net
26 Avar Kingdom of Hungary       53.5 20  Open for a Player!              7.4 
27 Holy Iman of All Islam        54.4 14  Ed Huefe          310-540-0648  1.8 imamakbar@usa.net
28 Rawadid Emirate of Anatolia   51.6 26  Open for a Player!              5.5 
29 Kanem-Bornu Confederation     50.9 31  Open for a Player!              5.6 
30 White Order of St. Demetrius  48.4 36  Open for a Player!              3.8 
31 Madragian Caliphate           47.5 34  Alarik Fritz                    4.0 alarikf@disinfo.net
32 Kingdom of Poland             47.1 33  Open for a Player!              2.7 
33 Celestial Realm of Buddha     39.5 32  Thom Ryng         253-752-3923  0.3 thomr@geoagents.com
34 Coptic Primate                39.9 37  Chris Hansen                    0.3 chrish@longpainting.com
35 Hindu Primate                 39.8 30  Eddie Efsic                     0.2
36 Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe     40.1 27  Thomas Harlan     520-323-8570  6.5 Thomash@throneworld.com
37 The Kingdom of Bei Song       35.2 29  Open for a Player!              5.7 
Mean=103.3 SD=85.6